‘The Armenian Spirit’ Documentary by Angela Asatrian: A Review

Any documentary about the 44-Day Artsakh War that wreaked havoc on the Armenian population living peacefully should by all means garner support by every Armenian. This one in particular captures not only the details that you could find in media reports but personal accounts of exactly what Armenians lived through both within Armenia and Artsakh and elsewhere, trying to turn the attention of the world by any means possible that a civilian population is being attacked unprovoked.

The documentary begins by providing a basic history background to demonstrate the identity of Armenians from the ancient times to the current and clarifies the ideologies that pose a threat to the livelihood of the nation due to its centuries-old geographical location. The documentary utilizes noteworthy people in media such as journalist Mario Lopez, Fred T from MIASEEN and singer Khachents. The presentation is accumulated in a way that is coherent and organized enough in its information of the past and the present circumstances that could serve well for educational purposes in classrooms.

The documentary also does not shy away from illustrating the larger context of why the people of Artsakh and Armenia need ongoing support to exercise the right to make a living in their homes, the ones that remained, as well as support to build new ones. It drives the point through accounts and explanations from journalists, educators and public officials that factually outline an inarguable pattern.

Through the lens of ‘The Armenian Spirit’, we are able to see the depth and the magnitude of the sacrifices families had to make on a personal level through documented accounts in order to defend themselves, the difficulties that they are facing as a consequence of the war, the irredeemable losses that evoke a kind of empathy that dives deeper than solely a humanitarian one. It solidifies the need for unity for a cause of a specific people, the Armenian people. Hopefully, for the Diaspora, the documentary can highlight the necessity of participation in newly formed projects and initiatives that directly impact the rebuilding and sustainability of the population in Artsakh as well as projects that strengthen Armenia’s capability to defend itself in the future.


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